SMSF Investment Property SMSF Investment Property : The University of Adelaide Research into SMSF using the largest data base of SMSF’s in Australia (after the ATO’s) headed up by Dr George Mihaylov – Senior Lecturer at The University of Adelaide; for the purposes of educating Australians in the SMSF space. Meaning their findings are both […]
Can a SMSF secure a new build two part contract (house and land) when there is borrowings? The answer today is “definitely yes”, if undertaken correctly using the one part contract solution we will introduce you to. Without which the answer unfortunately is a resounding No! The ruling for two part contracts states “that a […]
Excellent News – Single Contract new builds suited to SMSF Investment now available Australia wide! It is easy to retire with an extra $million dollars in your super when you understand how But the real question is “Do you really want another *$million in super when you retire?“ We know, never in the history of […]